I need a cake! Meet the Buttercream Delight
Oh no a birthday is around the corner, your budget is a bit tight and you are now looking for a custom cake. One that is very good quality, real cake sponge (not a pre-mix cake mix), what do you do?
We all find ourselves in this situation from time to time. Where can you go to find the answers to those questions?
Pre-mix cake mix is the mix used by most eggless cake makers who have a powdered formula that is sent to them in large 20kg sacks. They add some water or oil too make the mix rise in the oven.
These are similar to our “ever present” supermarkets who sell celebration cakes which has over 40 ingredients in it.
What?!?! I hear you say. Yes over 40 ingredients. Most of which I can’t pronounce unless I spoke an alien language. (Okay maybe I am digging into them a bit too much here.)
However, I don’t think that we should be caught between high priced cakes (which we do) and Pre-mix cake mixed cakes that are dirt cheap. So we came up with the Buttercream Delight. A light and fluffy cake, that is decorated with your personalised message and choice of colours for the decorative swirl icing around our delicious cake.
These cakes can normally be made within 24 hours of order, so if you want a great tasting cake, affordable and personalised give us a call today on 02037272587 or email us here. Our friendly team are on hand to help you.

Rose Swirl Buttercream Delight Cake
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