I need a cake! Meet the Buttercream Delight
So we came up with the Buttercream Delight. A light and fluffy cake, that is decorated with your personalised message and choice of colours for the decorative swirl icing around our delicious cake.

One thing that we are sure of at Your Treats bakery, is the need to keep our standards of hygiene and quality right up there with the best. In this time of uncertainty there are many who find the thought of ordering a cake a dubious one. How can we pick it up? What does […]

Cake Shop Front & Business
It has been nearly 8 years, (wow time has flown by) since we started Your Treats Bakery and we are so happy to look at a completed shop front. Thank you to all our customers both frequent and new. Your trust in our ability to deliver quality and professionalism each and every time is invaluable. […]
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